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shawnee mission east S.H.A.R.E.
Care Packages for Finals!
This year, support your student, our SME coffee shop AND the community during finals season. We'll provide a Columbia Brew coffee card worth ten cups of coffee (can be used for other beverages as well), and encouraging note to your student; AND purchase a food kit (KESHER kit) to be distributed to the hungry on the streets of KC or in our community.
We'll deliver coffee cards and notes to students just before finals. Families can pick KESHER kits up at SME on Dec.14th so they can personally distribute, or SHARE will donate them back to Jewish Family Services to distribute through their programs. Sign up below.
$15 per care package
Please consider an additional $5 donation towards a coffee card and note for a student who could use some extra encouragement!​
Additional proceeds will go to the SHARE discretionary account to support organizations we serve and to support the SME coffee shop!

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