shawnee mission east S.H.A.R.E.
junior Board
Junior Board is a program where teams of students research the not-for-profit world in monthly meetings. Each team will choose an organization in the KC area to represent and will compete in April for grant money, presenting to a panel of local non -profit executives and philanthropists. SME is the first high school to offer the Junior Board program. Many distinguished universities around the country already are offering similar programs, as well as degrees in not-for-profit fields.
Contact our SME Junior Board Execs with Questions:
Merrie Clough: 3073961@smsd.org
Kaytlyn Winn: 3074394@smsd.org
Campbell Wood: 3074180@smsd.org
Tongtong Yi: 3075056@smsd.org
JB Calendar
2021 - 2022 Junior Board Calendar
September 30: Informational Meeting; Discuss choosing an organization
October 7: Registration Due
October 21: Showcase successful presentations and how to perform financial research. Main program chosen.
Winter Break: Attempt to go on site visit (if you haven't already)
January 13th (post Winter Break meeting) check on site visit progress (completed or scheduled), get overall progress, emotional connections
---- Site visit done by Martin Luther King Jr Day ----
February 17: How to create good slides, tips for presentation skills
March 10: Main info and research due, slides started, bulk of info due (rough draft)
Week of March 28 -- Rehearsals/possible elimination round, days/times TBD based on # of teams
April 4-5: Presentations, days/times TBD based on # of teams